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OASA's Panel on Space Investment, at the Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF)

November 1, 2021


The NewSpace Economy has recently arrived in Asia. Starting in 2022, other than the rapid commercialisation of Space Tourism, Space Data, and CubeSats, investing in scalable space technologies is now within reach for entrepreneurs and investors. Learn from pioneers, astrophysicists, and venture capitalists why this is the next game in town.

Panel Facilitator: Mr. Perry Lam, Vice Chairman of OASA or the Orion Astropreneur Space Academy.

1. Where to invest in China’s Spacetech today? Blaine Curcio, (aka the China Space Guy), Founder, Orbital Gateway Consulting and co-host of China’s Dongfang Hour.

2. Grounding Space Tech – How should Hong Kong connect to the Space Corridor? Prof. Quentin Parker, Director of the Lab for Space Research, HKU. Astrophysicist.

3. Why I invested in SpaceX? Joseph Jeong, Founder, FutureHack. Mentor, Chinaccelerator. Founder, EXLskills.

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